Letter to the Prime Minister of Japan


Even though It's been years since films such as The Cove (2009) and Blackfish(2013)  were released, issues & challenges shared in those films still remain ongoing issues.  I am copying the text from a letter I mailed in September 2021 to the office of the Prime Minister of Japan regarding the hunting and capturing of dolphins and whales. I also sent variations of the letter below to the following individuals or groups.


  1. The American Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  2. Embassy of Japan in the United States of America
  3. Japan’s Cabinet Office
  4. The International Marine Mammal Trainers’ Association
  5. United Nations Environment Programme /  Convention on Migratory Species
  6. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
  7. United States Embassy in Japan
  8. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel
  9. US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
  10. Wakayama Prefecture Fisheries Office
  11. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  12. International Whaling Commission, Dr. Rebecca Lent


September 26th, 2021 


Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga

Cabinet Public Relations Office, Cabinet Secretariat,

1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku,

 Tokyo 100 – 8968



Dear Prime Minister Suga-San,


I request that you take immediate action to end the hunting of dolphins in Taiji, Japan. Please utilize the authority and influence of your office to end the annual hunt that was set to commence on 1 September of this year. Each year hundreds of wild dolphins are targeted as they pass through Japan’s coastal waters, destined for death or for a lifetime in captivity to perform for visitors. These wild dolphins are extremely intelligent, emotionally complex animals with very real familial bonds, much like humans. Separating them from those families severs those social bonds permanently. A life in captivity is one of suffering, leading to health issues and higher mortality rates.

The process by which they are slaughtered is considered inhumane as it causes unnecessary pain and suffering. Not only have dolphins been documented drowning in nets and injured by boats or rocks during the hunt, but the pithing process used in slaughter has been well-documented and does not meet the requirements for an efficient or humane killing method. Dolphins regularly experience internal bleeding and asphyxiation as a result and continue to feel pain when the spinal cord is not cleanly severed. There is also documented evidence that larger species are dragged to the port while still alive, leading to a prolonged death by drowning.

Additionally, as apex predators, these species play an important role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem. Removing large numbers of these species may further upset the population for other forms of marine life. Dolphins reproduce slowly, and it takes years to restore those numbers. The exhausted nursing juvenile dolphins taken out to sea after a hunt lack the skills to hunt or defend themselves, and therefore are unlikely to survive independently.

As a global community, we must all take responsibility for protecting our planet and its inhabitants. As we continue to learn about the importance of biodiversity and protection of wild species, it is necessary to reconsider our past practices based on new scientific understanding. 

On a personal note I have many close friends who are Japanese, have visited Japan several times and have a fondness for Japan. I met my wife at an event that was organized by a Japanese friend. However, I find this practice abhorrent to the point where it makes me reconsider if I will ever return to Japan as long as this practice continues.

Furthermore, if the practice is mostly driven by money, imagine many in the world including myself would be happy to help identify new sustainable revenue streams as a replacement for any lost revenue. I have heard a number of intriguing ideas on new business models. I would be happy to share these ideas and be helpful to Japan.

The ending of this practice would reverberate so strongly around the world, that Japan would gain a new respect and status that would be almost unquantifiable. 

With that in mind, I call on you to show true leadership and finally end the inhumane dolphin hunts, protect dolphins, and help restore Japan’s international integrity and support from the world’s public.




Robert C. Jacobson


U.S. Citizen & Friend of Japan

Author of Space Is Open for Business 

Founder of Space Advisors®

Cofounder of the Aerospace & Defense Forum

Cofounder of Galactic Legacy Labs, LLC

Industry Relations with Arch Mission Foundation

Fellow with Institute of Space Commerce

Concerned human


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