About Robert's Book, Space Is Open For Business

You no longer need to be a billionaire or rocket scientist to participate in space.
Three things you need to know about space:
- It is an industry that is notoriously complex—which means it is misunderstood.
- It influences and benefits nearly every other industry on the planet.
- Accessing space has never been easier.
Space Is Open for Business is an outstanding guidebook for the ultimate space-enabled business plan.
Meticulously researched and edited for the most time-challenged reader, Space Is Open for Business provides a framework for those outside of the industry to understand the critical context that led to the commercial movement known as NewSpace.
This book includes:
- Insights from over 100 experts, including industry leaders and investors, into the economics and strategies for leading the trillion-dollar race to commercialize space.
- Breakdown of the space economy verticals.
- How space, arts, and culture are deeply linked.
- A 360-degree view of the wide-ranging space industry, its emerging opportunities, investment potential, benefits on Earth, and more.
Space investor and entrepreneur Robert C. Jacobson provides a comprehensive overview of this spectacular industry, allowing everyone on Earth to understand the integral role space plays in our lives, how it will continue to transform the world, and how you could participate.
In the vein of Mary Roach, Jacobson makes a complex topic easily understandable—and accessible—for every reader.
Space as an industry offers a triple bottom line: Return on Investment, Innovation, and Inspiration.

Space is, in fact, a culmination of many disciplines, and it works in tandem with various industries. The sector’s growth depends on merging different fields with cutting-edge technologies, fantastical ideas with logical applications. From Hollywood to navigation, communications devices to streaming services, medical discoveries to robotics, agriculture to energy, all of these industries affect space and are affected by space—much like bees pollinating flowers. It is also the sector with the most unlimited potential for progress and collaboration. When space advances, other industries benefit. When other industries advance, space benefits as well—innovations and progress multiply.
Space is one of the best grounds humanity has to prove that interdisciplinary work and collaboration can yield exceedingly positive results for human knowledge and wisdom, economic and technological progress, and even cultural advancement—all contributing to our evolution.
Moving into space will require different infrastructures and knowledge to maintain our survival. With contemporary methodologies and best practices, entrepreneurs can more quickly test ideas in the marketplace and iterate ideas which, when adequately vetted, evolve into successful products. How do you put a value on a potential cure for a disease derived from medical research in space, or the creation of platforms which enable human settlement off-Earth? Space, in this sense, is the unlimited business plan. Space can transform the world in ways not possible by the bounds of terrestrial business endeavors. If you can dream it, it may be possible in this space-future.
Space is not just a destination; it is a domain, an ecosystem, and an enabler. Its impact is nothing if not universal. The profound energy that comes from interacting with space, even in intimate moments of introspection, can transform the way we think and feel about the world and ourselves. When we dream of improving our lives on Earth, the answers tend to derive from the great mysteries that the universe above us contains. At night, we look up into the stars and are filled with a sense of wonder, possibility, curiosity, and vitality. It’s no surprise that we find endless ways to incorporate space into our daily lives, or why interactions with space tend to leave such lasting impressions. We want to explore; we want to understand—we want to believe.
“Robert Jacobson makes a compelling case in Space Is Open for Business for how both continued private and public investment into the space sector helps people and our planet. Robert Jacobson wrote a must-read book for anyone interested in the business and commerce of space. This book will open your eyes, heart, and mind to the possibilities and potential solutions derived from space.”
Lori Garver | CEO, Earthrise Alliance; former Deputy Administrator, NASA
“Robert Jacobson has been promoting and investing in the NewSpace revolution since before it was cool. Now that NewSpace has become not just cool—but in some instances, profitable—Space Is Open for Business provides a valuable introduction to the industry and will assist investors in imagining the multiple avenues for investment that could be opened up by humankind's ventures beyond Low Earth Orbit.”
Rich Smith | Space Lawyer; Contributing Writer, The Motley Fool
“A sweeping guide that will inspire you to think big about space, the space economy, and your role within it.”
Matthew C. Weinzierl, Ph.D. | Joseph and Jacqueline Elbling Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
“Space: the next, not final, frontier for venture capital investment. Robert Jacobson’s book, Space Is Open for Business, takes us through how some of the leading-edge luminaries think about investing in space. Get on board! It will be quite a ride.”
Timothy Draper | Venture Capitalist“This is awesome. Robert’s unique access gives him a POV and insights that blow my mind.”
Shaun Arora | Managing Partner, MiLA Capital
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Copyright 2020 Robert C. Jacobson